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Inhaled Nitric Oxide Therapy
3 Contact Hours
Course 981207
3 CEUs

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what nitric oxide is and why healthcare professionals are so interested.
  • Identify the physical and biological properties of nitric oxide.
  • Summarize research findings regarding use of nitric oxide therapy in animals and humans.
  • Identify and discuss the three major areas of concern regarding the toxicity of nitric oxide.
  • Identify and explain the effects of nitric oxide therapy.
  • List and explain the clinical indications for inhaled nitric oxide therapy.
  • Identify monitoring systems and procedures associated with nitric oxide therapy.

There is currently a tremendous amount of excitement and anticipation in the healthcare world regarding the potential therapeutic uses for nitric oxide (NO). This is particularly true in respiratory therapy, where inhaled nitric oxide therapy has already shown great potential in clinical studies conducted throughout the country. This module presents you with an overview of the characteristics of nitric oxide, and then focuses on the various aspects associated with using inhaled nitric oxide in respiratory therapies.


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