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OSHA Trainig for the Healthcare Professional
5 Contact Hours
Course 210415
3 CEUs

Upon completion of this course the you will be able to:

  1. Describe the significance of OSHA in the work environment.
  2. Discuss the Bloodborne Pathogen Law 29 CFR 1919-1030.
  3. Define Universal precautions in the workplace.
  4. Identify the difference in methods of disinfection Vs the sterilization process.
  5. Define the employerıs responsibility Vs the employeeıs responsibility as stated in the Bloodborne Pathogen Law.
  6. Discuss Hepatitis-B pathogenesis and identify the prevention requirements that must be offered to the employee.
  7. Describe the four methods of spreading H.I.V.
  8. Identify the clinical symptoms of A.I.D.S.
  9. Define Biohazardous waste disposal requirements as stated in the Chemical Hazard Law 29 CFR 1910-1200.
  10. Explain the sequence of an exposure incident and the follow-up requirements.
  11. Identify the process to clean a chemical spill.
  12. Define the roll the M.S.D.S. Manual in the workplace.

In July of 1992 the federal government passed the Bloodborne Pathogen Law 29 CFR 1910-1030. All employees are now federally mandated by OSHA (Occupational and Safety and Health Administration) to have annual training to identify the risk associated with their work environment. This program will provide a general discussion on bloodborne diseases and their transmission, exposure control requirements, engineering and work practice controls, universal precautions and emergency response methods when occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials occurs.


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